Project Youth Connect

Project Youth Connect is re-entry youth program for adjudicated youth ages 10-18 residing in Kent and Sussex counties. The program provides community based intervention service using the Positive Action model, an evidence based curriculum that is organized to increase academic skills, improve behavior, and develop character.  Service provision is comprised of two levels of service:  Tier 1—Career Preparation/Life Skills and Tier 2—Mentoring Activities.  The overall goal is to increase resiliency skills and reduce recidivism by 40% in PYC participants.  The program also offers direct supervision, case management, and participation with youth on community service projects.  The desired impact involves reducing juvenile delinquency and building youth resiliency skills among adjudicated youth.   Measurable outcomes include:  number of mentors at beginning and close of reporting period; evidence-based programs/practices implemented; number of youth enrolled at the beginning  and close of the program;  number of activities; number of youth who exited the program, successfully and unsuccessfully; number of youth with a new offense or no delinquent activity; and the number of youth served using an evidence-based practice.

Project Youth Connect Logo 4

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